Sammy Musgrave Copy

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Windscribe [Deconstructed Homepage]

Today I’m dissecting the homepage of the most boring product ever, but...


The copy is oozing with clarity, simplicity, and a respectable amount of personality. (Oof, that was a lot of syllables, Sammy, maybe I need to practice what I preach someday…)

And this is SO IMPORTANT.

Newsflash: you don’t need to water down your copy with robotic, technical, and industry-specific words. Nor should you.

Your copy is a digital conversation with your prospect. It should be conversational, human, and easy to read.  

Yet so many brands scrub the clarity and personality right out of their copy, severing their best chance of making a real connection with their audience (buh bye sky-high conversion rates!). 

Hey, I’m not judging (kinda sounds like I am, doesn’t it? I get excited about these things). Listen, I’ve been guilty of this conversion-killing habit once or 23 times myself.  I get it.

But Windscribe isn’t standing for any of this tomfoolery. 

No, they jazz up their technical offer with clear and simple language. And that means their visitors aren’t going to bounce away on account of hard-to-read copy.

Make it easy on us. We hate doing stuff that looks like work.

We’re going to use their brilliance to demonstrate how you can infuse your copy with personality and simplicity, no matter what you’re peddling. 

Here’s the scoop - Windscribe is a VPN provider.

My last experience with anything related to VPN-type stuff was back when I was a young bright-eyed-blazer-wearing corporate employee and had to carry one of these thingies around (super annoying… and it was frowned upon to lose yours… five times):

Maybe those fobs are still a thing - there’s no way of ever knowing.

And this isn’t quite what Windscribe offers, but luckily their website does a great job of explaining what they do, so non-tech folks like me get it.

Check this video out to discover how to power up your copy with simplicity, clarity, and a respectable amount of personality.

PS - Watch for next week’s video where I showcase a hilarious email from Windscribe.

Their homepage gives us a charming trickle of personality, but the email I’m going to show is more like a tidal wave smashing you in the face (in a not-bad way).

Comment below if you found this helpful!

Xx Sammy

See this gallery in the original post