The Top 3 Secrets to Crafting a Money-Making Guarantee

If you’re a course creator and you 100% stand behind your offer, then this one is for you.

If you don’t offer a guarantee, you are likely missing out on building a strong community of happy buyers…. And A LOT of sales. But not just any ol’ guarantee will do.

So, in this video, I’m going to show you:

  • The #1 mistake course creators make in an effort to minimize their own risk, when in fact, this tactic actually skyrockets the risk of their customers asking for their money back. 

  • Why adding conditions to your guarantee is just about as effective as not offering a guarantee at all.

  • Most of your competitors are already offering guarantees: how to make sure yours stands out.

Dive in!

Tell me… do you offer a guarantee? Y or N?

Xx Sammy